New Zealand Events, Festivals and Shows

TAIRAWHITI MUSEUM - Gisborne, East Coast North Island NZLocation: Eastland Taku pōhiri e rere atu rā. Nau mai e hika mā ki tēnei te paetukutuku a Te Whare Taonga o Te Tairāwhiti. Nau mai, haere mai, rā. Welcome to Tairāwhiti Museum and Art Gallery...(more)
FERRYMEAD HERITAGE PARK - ChristchurchLocation: Canterbury Ferrymead Heritage Park takes you back into New Zealand's past. Visit the Edwardian Township complete with houses, school classroom, church, picture theatre, jail, railway station, trains, post office, printers, tobacconist, general store, lawyer’s office and more. View the fascinating array of museum and heritage collections. Close to the Port Hills, Sumner, Redcliffs, Heathcote Valley and the port of Lyttleton...(more)